Tsuda College
地  址 〒187-8577 東京都小平市津田町2-1-1
電  話 81-042-342-5111 傳  真 +81-423-341-2444 電子信箱  
校  長 國枝 マリ/ Prof. mari kunieda
教職員數 457人 註冊學生
--- 大學部 2757人 研究生 103人 外籍生 ---
互動狀況 外賓來訪, 本校出訪, 來校交換生, 赴外交換生
簡介內容 In 1900, Umeko Tsuda founded one of the first private institutions of higher education for women in Japan, During the Educational Reformation of 1948, the name was changed again to Tsuda Juku Daigaku (Tsuda College).
More than 27,500 women have graduated from Tsuda College to date, and those women are now playing active roles in all walks of life. Tsuda College’s philosophy regarding education and research can be summarized as follows:
1. As a women’s college, we recognize the need to improve the social status of women and realize a society that is co-created through the active participation of both men and women, to ensure a harmonious relationship between the sexes built on mutual respect.
2. Our curriculum emphasizes a liberal arts education. Here, students study a wide variety of disciplines, in addition to selecting a major in a specific field.
3. Viewing language learning as a means for broadening students’ perspectives and cultivating an international outlook, Tsuda College has made language learning the cornerstone of its program.
4. At Tsuda College, the autonomy of students is respected. They are encouraged to take initiative, and are taught how to assert themselves more effectively.
5. Classes are kept small, to respect and nurture the individuality of each student.
6. Each member of the Tsuda College faculty and administration fulfills his or her administrative, educational and research duties with diligence, commitment and modesty

