Universidad de Murcia
地  址 Rectorado. Avenida Teniente Flomesta, 5. Edificio Convalecencia. 30003 Murcia (España)
電  話 +34 868 883 610 傳  真 +34 868 883 603 電子信箱  
校  長 Sr. D. Jose Orihuela Calatayud/ Sr. D. Jose Orihuela Calatayud
國際事務辦公室Edificio Rector Soler, 2ª planta, Campus de Espinardo,30100-Murcia (España)
ChancellorDirectorMatías Balibrea González
教職員數 --- 註冊學生
28668人 大學部 --- 研究生 --- 外籍生 ---
簡介內容The University of Murcia (Spanish: Universidad de Murcia) is the main university in Murcia, Spain. With 38,000 students, it is the largest university in the Region de Murcia. The University of Murcia is the third oldest university in Spain, after the University of Salamanca (1218 AD) and the University of Valladolid (1241 AD), and the thirteenth in the world. The University of Murcia was founded in 1272 by the King Alfonso X of Castile under the Crown of Castile.

