Universite Jean Moulin - Lyon 3
地  址 1 rue de l'Université BP 0638-69239 LYON Cedex 2 France
電  話 33-4-78-78-77-86 傳  真 33-4-72-72-44-12 電子信箱  
校  長 Prof. Jaques Comby/ Prof. Jaques Comby
教職員數 --- 註冊學生
15000人 大學部 --- 研究生 --- 外籍生 ---
互動狀況 外賓來訪, 來校交換生, 赴外交換生, 雙學位, 大三出國
簡介內容The Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3 is based in the second biggest city in France after Paris. The history of the city of Lyon goes back more than 2000 years. Lyon is the capital of the Rhone Alpes region, a prosperous region with a dynamic economy.
Lyon 3 enrolls approximately 22 000 students in six different faculties or departments. These six faculties are: 1) Law School 2)Business School 3) Faculty of Languages 4) Faculty of Humanities 5) Faculty of Philosophy 6) The Institute of Technology.
Course structure is based on three degrees. The” Licence” or bachelor (3 years), the Master (2 years) and Doctorat or PhD (additional 3 years). The Licence degree is taught over 6 semesters of 30 ECTS credits each, making a total of 180 credits. Each semester comprises two course units: a major worth 22 credits and a minor worth 8 credits. Students can choose to combine their major with any one of several appropriate minors. The Master degree is taught over 4 semesters worth a total of 120 credits after the Licence degree.
The Law School enjoys an excellent reputation both in France and abroad. The latest editions of the Gourman report ranks it in the highest league of European Law schools, fifth only after Paris, Oxford, Cambridge and Heidelberg.
The Business School is one of the largest in France and offers its 5000 students high-level professional courses that will prepare them for a wide range of careers in the management sector. It offers 35 highly specialized Master Degrees.
The faculty of Languages offers 22 foreign languages offered in either initial or continuing education.
The Faculty of Humanities enjoys an excellent reputation for its degree courses in French Literature, Classics, History, Geography, Information Technologies, and Library Classification Systems. The Faculty of Philosophy has a prestigious background. Among its illustrious alumni are philosophers as famous as Maurice Merleau-Ponty; Gilles Deleuze; Henri Maldiney, or Francois Dagognet. The Institute of Technology offers short professional degrees in varied fields such as communication, legal careers and management
Web Site: http://www.univ-lyon3.fr

