California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
地  址 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomoca, CA 91768
電  話 +1 909 869 7659 傳  真 電子信箱  
校  長 Dr. Soraya M. Coley/ Dr. Soraya M. Coley
教職員數 1845人 註冊學生
22273人 大學部 20090人 研究生 2183人 外籍生 ---
互動狀況 外賓來訪, 來校交換生
簡介內容Striking a balance between urban excitement and rural charm, Cal Poly Pomona is nestled in 1,438 rolling acres on the eastern edge of Los Angeles County. As one of only seven polytechnic universities nationwide, Cal Poly Pomona is known for its learn-by-doing philosophy. The university recognizes that students who solve classroom problems today have an advantage as employees solving real-world problems tomorrow. Faculty in all disciplines apply theory to practice, creating opportunities for students to use their knowledge in hands-on projects, collaboration in research, and participation in valuable internships and service learning programs.

